
Illustration of smart factory (figure 5 from report)

The Internet of Things is set to benefit society through a range of smart platforms and has been undergoing huge expansion.  IoT-enabled Industrial Control Systems are being a significant proportion of current and future critical infrastructures, with high uptake in areas like energy, transport, the built environment and manufacturing facilities.  The consequences of failure can be high in these enviroments so it is essential to understand how to deliver secure and resilient infrastructures, to protect people, organisations and systems.  The IIoT exacerbates security challenges that already exist, and poses new ones of its own.  This Lloyd's Register Foundation Foresight Review seeks to help prioritise action by identifying key drivers, emerging risks, and gaps in capability. 

The purpose of this review is to disseminate information, provide insignt for decision-makers and resaearchers, and inform wider debate - particularly focusing on the question: will current operational chagnge in cyber security be enough?  It presents a long-term vision for key challenges that the research and development communities will need to address, and also a view on the broader practical next steps that should be taken today to prepare for the immediate adoption of IoT technologies by industry.

The report was launched 6 July 2020, in partnership with the Financial Times.  It is now available to download from Lloyd's Register Foundation and an episode of the Global Safety podcast discusses the main findings.